Selling languages  30-day sprint

Join us for a month-long sprint to do the things that in the last three years made me the confident sales person that I am have led me to building a freedom-filled 6 figure business. They have also worked for many of my clients and created instant momentum and cash flow!

What's included:

️ 30 days of daily (Mon-Fri) tasks that focus on selling your language service no matter what it is and what level of business you're at (this includes stuff done on social media, sending messages that sold out my new £4000+ offer within a week and doing things that actually convert followers into clients)

️ bonus podcasts for extra insights and motivation

️ a supportive community

When you invest in Ola's courses you get a career coach and a therapist. I've struggled with inactivity for the last 2 years and Ola's course just made me push through those walls of fear and self-doubt. The mindset shift was amazing. In just three weeks I started looking at pricing and the value of my work in a totally different light. Ola's course is worth so much more than the price tag. You'll get results and that will be the foundation of the new you. A more confident, powerful self.
Dana Piscoi
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  • Total payment
  • 1xSelling languages 30 day sprint£99

All prices in GBP